A7IV paid firmware update

Someone pointed out that it was requested by (recently formed) "association of school photographers" - thoughts are it's to let the production line companies to hire non-photographers to churn out shots at schools and charge parents for pictures of their kids. I imagine shopping mall Santa photographers will be buying it, too.

It's not something any of us have to pay for, but people are playing the scare card - "this is the thin end of the wedge", "soon all firmware updates will be chargeable", "subscription fees for firmware updates" - what a load of <insert epithet of choice>!

This is Sony charging a demanding group a fee to implement something they didn't want to do for free. And keeping the camera clean for the rest of us - we don't have to install that rubbish!

All up, I think it's kind of disappointing that Petapixel indulges in this kind of gutter press journalism.
They used to be able to teach monkeys, it seems later generation monkeys are not as smart as their ancestors ;)
They used to be able to teach monkeys, it seems later generation monkeys are not as smart as their ancestors ;)
As I stated above this is for a specific audience that needs a consistent crop across their production, no matter how much you teach it is much better to have lines to follow, if that is what is required.