Themed Thread Suggestions for Our Wildlife Forum

Tim Mayo

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Mar 1, 2020
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Hi Folks.

Some members have asked about themed threads for wildlife. Like a thread for deer, snakes, otters or a specific region or country etc..

There are probably thousands that could be created, but just to get the ball rolling let's start with some of the more popular categories first.

I'd appreciate your suggestions as to which threads you'd like to see in this forum?

Once we have a good collection to get started then I'll create them or maybe ask whoever suggested the thread to get the ball rolling.

The more popular threads could also be pinned to the top, but it makes no sense to pin hundreds! But once members start to contribute to these threads they should be suggested automatically whenever someone starts to create a new thread and types in something like deer etc..

Many thanks!
I think it's a great idea. For the record, I have already started one for North American wildlife:
If you're talking about 'themed' threads in which everyone participates, it's a good idea. But instead of trying to come up with one for every creature great and small, keep them together. A separate thread for each species of animal isn't going to promote a lot of use. It's unlikely someone who would never see an otter, elephant, or grizzly bear in the wild would open those threads just to peruse. But if they share their own photos in the same thread they'll see and appreciate the others.


Animals in the Wild
Domestic Animals
From the Zoo, any animal, bird, or fish

One thing you could do is compile the separate forums you have for animals into a single location. Wild animals have their own forum, then there's a place to post photos of captive animals buried as a subheading in the 'other genres' forum, then pet photos have their own forum, then birds yet another. Putting them in a single location would be helpful.
I agree with recategorizing as suggested above. Make animals the general heading, instead of a heading for wildlife and one for birds. Then make subheadings for wild, zoo, pets, farm/ranch.

Just one thought (we'll see what others think), for specific threads under the headings. How about continuing with my idea of North American Wildlife and do one for each contintent (European wildlife, South American wildlife, African wildlife, etc).
We do have a Zoo/Captive thread, I just forget to post in it!
I personally think having categories separated to birds and general wildlife is fine as it is, otherwise we will end up with lots and lots of categories to look at and post in. I would actually merge the birds and birds in flight threads.
Maybe country specific wildlife would work, but again, we'd end up with too many.
Overall, with the exception of merging the current threads somewhat, I think it works well as it is.
I agree with Kev you can over think this, I do not really want to share my real thoughts apart from to say if you we go too far down this road Sony Alpha Shooters will look a lot like many other forums do, We have a wide range of interests on here and abilities too. Not everyone has stunning birds or wild animals or vistas on their door step our members shoot what they have available and should be treat with equal regard , we risk ending up with a divided difficult to navigate forum. I kind of like to the insta view when you come on the site as it is you see what people of many abilities and interests are posting and their journey and improvements, well that is it I have said more than I intended
Less is more.

It works well as it is provided people use the themed threads, the problem is, no one does. A new thread for every single photo isn't required, there is a bird/animal/flower etc. thread already going. Your photo will get a lot more views and reactions in those shared threads than posting it in a separate thread. Day outings, safaris, air shows, etc. where someone shoots a series would deserve their own thread.

This forum has about a dozen active users and two dozen regular users, that's not a huge number of people. Promoting community will go a long way toward adding and keeping members.

There's no need to have a ton of different headings. Here's a listing of subject forums from a popular and active forum. This is it, the rest of the areas are technical in nature, or have to do with processing, etc.

Screenshot 2022-05-07 082940.jpg

All together in one place. Inside each are threads that users have started, BIF, birds, animals in the wild etc. in Nature. In Street there may be 'seen on a stroll', candid, etc. Other genres has cars, airplanes, boats, etc.

Very simple and straight forward. Pinning themed threads to the top helps newcomers find them easily.
I am with @Brownie on this. The purpose (as I see it) is not necessarily to create more categories, it is to create fewer individual threads. The way it is now, everyone starts a new thread every time they want to post one or two or three of their latest photos. I would be more inclined to watch a few threads with photos added regularly than to try to click on a separate thread every time someone posts a photo.
Hi Folks.

Some members have asked about categorized threads for wildlife. Like a thread for deer, snakes, otters or a specific region or country etc..

There are probably thousands that could be created, but just to get the ball rolling let's start with some of the more popular categories first.

I'd appreciate your suggestions as to which threads you'd like to see in this forum?

Once we have a good collection to get started then I'll create them or maybe ask whoever suggested the thread to get the ball rolling.

The more popular threads could also be pinned to the top, but it makes no sense to pin hundreds! But once members start to contribute to these threads they should be suggested automatically whenever someone starts to create a new thread and types in something like deer etc..

Many thanks!
which members?
I am with @Brownie on this. The purpose (as I see it) is not necessarily to create more categories, it is to create fewer individual threads. The way it is now, everyone starts a new thread every time they want to post one or two or three of their latest photos. I would be more inclined to watch a few threads with photos added regularly than to try to click on a separate thread every time someone posts a photo.
It's only a new thread within a category though. Having one thread that people keep adding to doesn't really work, most people won't look at them. We have a couple of those, the weekly challenge thread for example. That thread rarely gets looked at, and even less contributions (except mine!)
Having one thread that people keep adding to doesn't really work, most people won't look at them. We have a couple of those, the weekly challenge thread for example. That thread rarely gets looked at, and even less contributions (except mine!)
Not true at all. These threads get a ton of action on other forums. Once you post to it, you get a notification that others have posted, which is also a reminder to post again. The key here is exactly what you bitched about several months ago. People don't hit the like button enough. It is important for a forum like this for people to use the reactions. If a newbie posts photos and no one reacts to it, they're likely to leave after a few attempts. It may have something to do with the average age. We old codgers aren't used to facebook-like reactions and it takes us a bit to get acclimated.

As for the weekly challenge, we discussed that recently as well. It's a pic-a-day thread. Many of us don't shoot every day. And everyone has to remember that a good number of us are relatively new to Sony. It's going to take time for us to build up a catalog. The vast majority of my shots are from M-4/3 or other cameras. This place is a one-trick Sony pony and moreover is centered around E-Mount, even A-Mount discussion gets little response except for me and @spudhead with a few side-participants such as yourself.

The biggest problem this place has is low membership. That's not a poke at the forum, it takes time to build. While it does increase regularly, participation doesn't move as fast. That's pretty normal. There are a few like @MrFotoFool that came on board and jumped right in.

It's just like any club. A thousand members means 20 regular participants. One forum I belong to has 16,000 members with maybe 50-75 regulars and another couple hundred you see post once in a while. That's pretty typical participation from my experience.
Not true at all. These threads get a ton of action on other forums. Once you post to it, you get a notification that others have posted, which is also a reminder to post again. The key here is exactly what you bitched about several months ago. People don't hit the like button enough. It is important for a forum like this for people to use the reactions. If a newbie posts photos and no one reacts to it, they're likely to leave after a few attempts. It may have something to do with the average age. We old codgers aren't used to facebook-like reactions and it takes us a bit to get acclimated.

As for the weekly challenge, we discussed that recently as well. It's a pic-a-day thread. Many of us don't shoot every day. And everyone has to remember that a good number of us are relatively new to Sony. It's going to take time for us to build up a catalog. The vast majority of my shots are from M-4/3 or other cameras. This place is a one-trick Sony pony and moreover is centered around E-Mount, even A-Mount discussion gets little response except for me and @spudhead with a few side-participants such as yourself.

The biggest problem this place has is low membership. That's not a poke at the forum, it takes time to build. While it does increase regularly, participation doesn't move as fast. That's pretty normal. There are a few like @MrFotoFool that came on board and jumped right in.

It's just like any club. A thousand members means 20 regular participants. One forum I belong to has 16,000 members with maybe 50-75 regulars and another couple hundred you see post once in a while. That's pretty typical participation from my experience.
Hi some good points in there its finding the balance, I do not want to rock the boat but it better if it does not sink either
Not true at all. These threads get a ton of action on other forums. Once you post to it, you get a notification that others have posted, which is also a reminder to post again. The key here is exactly what you bitched about several months ago. People don't hit the like button enough. It is important for a forum like this for people to use the reactions. If a newbie posts photos and no one reacts to it, they're likely to leave after a few attempts. It may have something to do with the average age. We old codgers aren't used to facebook-like reactions and it takes us a bit to get acclimated.

As for the weekly challenge, we discussed that recently as well. It's a pic-a-day thread. Many of us don't shoot every day. And everyone has to remember that a good number of us are relatively new to Sony. It's going to take time for us to build up a catalog. The vast majority of my shots are from M-4/3 or other cameras. This place is a one-trick Sony pony and moreover is centered around E-Mount, even A-Mount discussion gets little response except for me and @spudhead with a few side-participants such as yourself.

The biggest problem this place has is low membership. That's not a poke at the forum, it takes time to build. While it does increase regularly, participation doesn't move as fast. That's pretty normal. There are a few like @MrFotoFool that came on board and jumped right in.

It's just like any club. A thousand members means 20 regular participants. One forum I belong to has 16,000 members with maybe 50-75 regulars and another couple hundred you see post once in a while. That's pretty typical participation from my experience.

Regarding notifications, I don't always get them, sometimes you do get an email, sometimes you don't, which is strange as you automatically get subscribed to notifications. The weekly thing doesn't have to be pic a day. Yes, I am out most weeks at least one day, and choose one of those shots, but also, it doesn't have to be anything spectacular! You are right though, the lack of interaction is the key, and is weird, given how many signed up. Facebook pages suck BTW :)
Regarding notifications, I don't always get them, sometimes you do get an email, sometimes you don't, which is strange as you automatically get subscribed to notifications. The weekly thing doesn't have to be pic a day. Yes, I am out most weeks at least one day, and choose one of those shots, but also, it doesn't have to be anything spectacular! You are right though, the lack of interaction is the key, and is weird, given how many signed up. Facebook pages suck BTW :)
Hmmm, I signed up a couple weeks ago and I have been getting all the notifications in my email. (In fact I got one just now for this thread).
Regarding notifications, I don't always get them, sometimes you do get an email, sometimes you don't, which is strange as you automatically get subscribed to notifications. The weekly thing doesn't have to be pic a day. Yes, I am out most weeks at least one day, and choose one of those shots, but also, it doesn't have to be anything spectacular! You are right though, the lack of interaction is the key, and is weird, given how many signed up. Facebook pages suck BTW :)
You can check what notifications you are signed up to here Kev: - And also view the threads that you are watching here: - Let me know if there's a thread on your watch list that you are not receiving notifications for and I'll take a look.
AS a recent arrival on the site I would agree with the principle of having less "divisions/themes" rather than expanding them.

At the end of the day, unless I am misreading the theme of the website, I understood it to provide a forum for all things Sony -
equipment/new developments, shared shooting challenges/problems and support and not necessarily dedicated to specific
nature, birds, automobiles or aeroplanes etc photography as a primary focus , although clearly the photographic content
is an essential ingredient to achieve the goals of the site......

The content for forum competitions etc clearly needs to be controlled in the interests of fairness to all participants whereas the
general photography postings in my view can be much broader, as has been suggested, under more generalised categories to
appeal to the perhaps narrow interests for some and more general for others.

The previous comments made as regards new joiners and/or recent mirroless convertees maybe not having am extensive
portfolio of Sony images to participate fully on the site is very valid, as is the comment in relation to not everyone having
the time outside their day jobs/interests to spend time on their specific photography interests every week is also valid.

In summary, in my view the more the basic site theme is fragmented, and content controlled under very numerous and narrow
singular themes can only serve to limit overall membership. As has also been stated, with only a small number of
frequent participants, as far as I can see since joining, it seems a smaller number of themes with potentially higher participant
numbers numbers for each will be more conducive to building membership than having many poorly serviced themes , along
with the additional greater administration a high number of poorly serviced themes presents.

Apologies if I have drawn out my comments but as a recent arrival, felt it appropriate i voice my views to the greater good.....
Apologies for not getting back to the thread after starting it guys, I wanted to think it over then before I knew it a few weeks had past!

I think leaving the option open for members to create their own "Themed Threads" in the forum of their choosing makes sense. The popular Themed Threads will hopefully take off by themselves and be more visible. I will pin a thread in each forum to guide members to starting Themed Threads when it makes sense to do so.

Because bird photography is so popular, not only in this forum but other forums as well, I thought it made sense to have a separate bird forum. Yes we do have the captive animals forum as well, but this this is mainly to help avoid the messages I receive about photographing captive animals and trying to pass them off as being taken in the wild.

This forum is setup a little differently to a lot of other forums, the forums are mirrored into the Gallery which helps members to search the gallery items for specific items a lot more easily. Grouping a lot of forums together makes this impossible unless members use tags which rarely happens. Also InstaView allows members to display images from specific forums that interest them, this would not be possible without the setup as it is right now.

I might look into an option of hiding forums and forum activity from those forums that you have no interest in, then you could simple configure your view to show as many or as few forums as you like.