Do you have a Nickname ?


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Aug 9, 2020
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Ralph Ernesti
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  1. Yes
I thought that this could be interesting and so I will start.
My nickname is Kooka. I got this name by the leader of the local bird photography group that I am in.
He gave me the name because if I hear a Kookaburra I will just turn and walk to the sound where it is coming from.
And that I do get disappointed if I hear or see one but fail to get a shot of it. And when I do get a shot I will not take
just 10 or so shots I will take more than the whole group would combined.
Plus the fact that the Kookaburra is my number 1 bird of all birds.
So the name of Kooka was given to me and I have to say I like it.
Run Away!

Anyway, no, not now, though my name here is an old one. A mate's brother was a golf nut and called me Kevriano, paraphrasing Severiano Ballesteros. It stuck with me. Prior I've been called Harpic or Harpsichord, but usually now it's Tw*t (by Mrs Kev)
Hi Kooka! Everyone has always called me Lloydy since I was a kid. One of my best mates since pre school is also Clint so we've just always been addressed by our last names. It gets pretty funny at his or my family get togethers though when someone who is close to one of us calls for him or I, and twenty people answer...
Back home in the UK my nickname was Hawk (as in eyes like a Hawk, and it’s shortened from my surname although spelled different) My mates said I could spot trouble a mile off and usually ended up in the middle of it 😂
I was quite surprised that no one in the many Longview towns had taken my current moniker. Since it applies to my amateur astronomy hobby as well as for imaging, it's a good fit. It also makes me sound endowed with foresight, but I'm not daring to live up to such a concept! In my original dSLR years I registered at dyxum as AlphaPDX since I lived in Portland (airport PDX) before moving an hour north.

As far as lifelong nicknames, that hasn't happened to my knowledge.
I was quite surprised that no one in the many Longview towns had taken my current moniker. Since it applies to my amateur astronomy hobby as well as for imaging, it's a good fit. It also makes me sound endowed with foresight, but I'm not daring to live up to such a concept! In my original dSLR years I registered at dyxum as AlphaPDX since I lived in Portland (airport PDX) before moving an hour north.

As far as lifelong nicknames, that hasn't happened to my knowledge.
No Nickname for me but I used to live in Chehalis and you are most likely the only one here that has heard of it!
Unframed Dave came about via a shooting forum. I used to have a picture framing business. When I retired I wanted to change my forum name from Dave the frame to something more appropriate. One of the members suggested it and it resonated, it kind of sounds a bit unhinged which suits my current stage in life.

One of my great shooting mates still has me down as Dave the frame in his phone, reckons it makes him more gangster.
Well with a surname like Mayo it was inevitable I’d be called Mayonnaise when I was younger 😃 It’s been a while since I was called that though. Our poor kids will have to put up with it for a few years! Although my wife couldn’t wait to take my name when we got married, she’d changed her name on Facebook in less than 24 hours!
Well with a surname like Mayo it was inevitable I’d be called Mayonnaise when I was younger 😃 It’s been a while since I was called that though. Our poor kids will have to put up with it for a few years! Although my wife couldn’t wait to take my name when we got married, she’d changed her name on Facebook in less than 24 hours!
Should be The Mayor as it would of been what I would of come up with.

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