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Greetings from Livonia, Michigan


Sep 4, 2020
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I've been into digital photography for sometime and I think it was around 2009 with the Nikon D80? I can't remember exactly when, but I became a Sony person in 2018 with my purchase of the Sony A7RIII camera, followed by the Sony A9 and just recently purchased the Sony A1 (to have the best of both worlds). I mostly like shooting wildlife especially birds in flight (BIF). I started out kind of weird as I learned Photoshop Version 1.0 though I didn't use that long as I upgraded to 3.0 and I eventually took a couple of college course in Photoshop. I always like Photography and thought to myself why not get into it? So I did and really got serious about photography in 2018.

I'm also a website designer and developer that I try bring in my interest of photography. My hobby is building LEGO sets and have been doing that as well for some time.
Hi, Strider, and welcome! We know each other from another site, too. So glad that you've recently gotten an A1 -- gorgeous camera, isn't it?! Having the right lenses to complement this camera body's sophistication definitely makes a difference. I'm finding that this camera is less forgiving of errors than my A7R IV, so it's keeping me on my toes. Enjoy the new gear!
Welcome Strider and thank you for joining up here and introducing yourself. You've certainly got a cracking camera for shooting BIF! My son is just starting to get a little more into lego, so I expect we'll soon have lego blocks all over the house :)

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