Aviation Presidential Airplanes that have been designated Air Force-1


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Oct 22, 2021
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United States
SE Michigan
As requested by @Uncle Kevriano who wanted to see inside of an Air Force 1.

To start with, some history. An airplane is only designated Air Force 1 when the President is on-board, and only if it's an Air Force airplane. If he's on a marine helicopter it's "Marine 1" and so on. Air Force 1 is not an airplane, but a call sign. When the Vice President is on-board, the same airplane can be Air Force 2. Or, if no one special is on board it takes on its normal call sign. For this thread, they're all going to be AF-1 because it's easy to type. :p

Some of these images were never meant to be posted. The signs were just for my own reference to remember what was what, but it's easier to post them than to type it all out.

All of the airplanes have been lined with plexiglass to stop people from touching the interior. The result is a lot of glare. I didn't have a polarizer with me, so it is what it is. Some of these shots were rushed because of other people coming up behind us. Also because of the Plexiglas, the passageway is very narrow. I can tell you that 3 or 4 years ago before I lost weight, I would not have been able to access the interiors.

Onward. First up is 'The Sacred Cow'. Not very impressive by today's standards, but pretty advanced for the day.

Sacred Cow 1.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Sacred Cow 2.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 23.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 640
Sacred Cow 3.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 23.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1600
Sacred Cow 4.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 21.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 800
Sacred Cow 5.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 250
Sacred Cow 6.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Sacred Cow 7.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 640

Note the telephone behind the President's chair. More than likely a two-way radio in 1945
Sacred Cow 8.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Sacred Cow 9.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 800
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Next up is the Independence.

Independence 1.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 21.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Independence 2.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 21.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 640

The smaller Jet to the right is a Gulfstream and is also used as an AF-1 for short hops. Lyndon Johnson preferred the smaller jets and used them when he could.
Independence 3.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 18.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1250
Independence 4.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 28.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 500

The galley was upgraded considerably from the Sacred Cow.
Independence 5.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 640

You can see how narrow it is. It was pretty much the same in all of them.
Independence 6.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 800

The President's office has a few more gadgets and gizmos next to it than the previous model.
Independence 7.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Tim, Good stuff, thanks for sharing!
Columbine III. This is a much larger aircraft than its predecessors, and the amenities are starting to show up.

Columbine III 1.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 640
Columbine III 2.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 28.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 500
Columbine III 3.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Columbine III 4.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000

The galley is actually galley style.
Columbine III 5.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 12800
Columbine III 6.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1250

There weren't any signs to identify this area, but it was just forward of the private area aft. I suspect family or secret service used these.
Columbine III 7.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 500

This area was farthest aft and wasn't accessible. It appears to be a private living area with a bathroom, dressing table, etc..
Columbine III 8.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 640
Columbine III 9.jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 20.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 2000
this is a fantastic thread, love it
SAM 26000, the most famous AF-1

Sam 26000 (1).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 800
Sam 26000 (2).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS
  • 24.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/40 sec
  • ISO 1600
Sam 26000 (4).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000

The command center. This is where they started getting serious.
Sam 26000 (5).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1600

One of two galleys. This one was forward, the other was located aft nearer the President's private section.
Sam 26000 (6).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 800

The next two photos show both ends of a meeting area.
Sam 26000 (7).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1000
Sam 26000 (8).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 18.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1250
Sam 26000 (9).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 18.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1600
Sam 26000 (10).jpg
  • ILCE-7M4
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 23.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/20 sec
  • ISO 1250
Talked with some of the people there and once the new aircraft if ready they will be getting one of the current planes. Another plane that they will be getting will be a C-5. They are also looking on how to add a 5th hanger so they can better fit a C-5 and 747.
Talked with some of the people there and once the new aircraft if ready they will be getting one of the current planes. Another plane that they will be getting will be a C-5. They are also looking on how to add a 5th hanger so they can better fit a C-5 and 747.
I figured one of the 747s would show up as soon as they sort out the next generation.
Fantastic stuff Tim. Sorry I missed it before. SAM26000 is the one I guess us here in the UK would most associate with a presidential plane, as it's the one most like that in the film. Those early Douglas were quite utilitarian really, only when the Lockheed came along did things get a bit more stately, for want of a better term. I know the current one has been in service a very long time (isn't it the last remaining flying model of that plane?) so I guess a new one is due. If it's when Trump is in it will need to be powerful to cope with all the marble and gold he'll have everywhere :D
I know the current one has been in service a very long time (isn't it the last remaining flying model of that plane?)
Well it is a unique variation of the 747 so yes, but there are still a number passenger versions of them in use for Lufthansa and Korean Air. It may be a while before the cargo versions stop operations.
Fantastic stuff Tim. Sorry I missed it before. SAM26000 is the one I guess us here in the UK would most associate with a presidential plane, as it's the one most like that in the film. Those early Douglas were quite utilitarian really, only when the Lockheed came along did things get a bit more stately, for want of a better term. I know the current one has been in service a very long time (isn't it the last remaining flying model of that plane?) so I guess a new one is due. If it's when Trump is in it will need to be powerful to cope with all the marble and gold he'll have everywhere :D
The current airplanes are Boeing 747s. Prior to leaving office, Obama had ordered two new airplanes which I believe were based on Boeing 767s. When Trump took office in 2014 he cancelled the deal saying it was too costly at just around $5B. In 2016 he announced a new deal which saved $1B or so, and a short while later Boeing confirmed a deal to provide 2 new 747s for around $3.9B. The airplanes were to sport a new paint scheme of Red/White/Blue, a change from the paint that has been in use since SAM-26000. However, Biden unable to abide by anything Trump wanted, he has again changed the color scheme back to something closer to SAM-26000. Boeing is currently behind on their contract to deliver the airplanes, and it's no wonder with all the changes they made.

It makes perfect sense to stay with the 747-8i, which can fly at almost Mach 0.9. It remains the fastest commercial jet in production.

I suspect when one of the current airplanes is retired to the museum, it will be stripped of most of the technology.
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