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Keep calm and drink tea…


Well Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
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Keith Horkins
Keep calm and drink tea.. English Breakfast of course…
  • ILCE-7RM4A
  • E 70-180mm F2.8 A056
  • 119.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/80 sec
  • ISO 200
I'm more of a coffee drinker :) Great image though Keith!
English Breakfast Tea is my hot tea of choice. Unlike most Americans, I hate coffee (can't even stand the smell of it). I prefer Taylor's tea though. This is for breakfast. For lunch and dinner I prefer iced tea (or water), which is very American. I have been to Europe seven times and love it except for the fact no one serves real, brewed iced tea. (At the risk of starting a debate, I include UK in Europe, Brexit notwithstanding).
Unfortunately here in Canada we have tea but it’s not real tea !! It’s orange pekoe tea ..
in England it would be sacrilegious to add anything like orange pekoe to tea.
The tin I photographed was a Christmas gift a few years ago.. my tea of choice is Yorkshire gold or Yorkshire tea and the ingredients are black tea (loose tea )and nothing else.. if you can find it I most definitely recommend it.. but check the ingredients!!
English Breakfast Tea is my hot tea of choice. Unlike most Americans, I hate coffee (can't even stand the smell of it). I prefer Taylor's tea though. This is for breakfast. For lunch and dinner I prefer iced tea (or water), which is very American. I have been to Europe seven times and love it except for the fact no one serves real, brewed iced tea. (At the risk of starting a debate, I include UK in Europe, Brexit notwithstanding).
I am a sweet tea freak. Being a Type II diabetic I can't swill the real stuff non-stop and have to use an artificial sweetener to get my fix. However back in the day, the very best sweet tea I ever had was at Churchill Downs in the cafe. It was amazing. I found the recipe online but could never quite duplicate it.

As for hot tea I prefer a straight black, but if flavored I like Earl Grey.
At least we finally have a thread on this forum about something that's important! :D
Unfortunately here in Canada we have tea but it’s not real tea !! It’s orange pekoe tea ..
in England it would be sacrilegious to add anything like orange pekoe to tea.
The tin I photographed was a Christmas gift a few years ago.. my tea of choice is Yorkshire gold or Yorkshire tea and the ingredients are black tea (loose tea )and nothing else.. if you can find it I most definitely recommend it.. but check the ingredients!!
I’m with you with the Yorkshire tea, best tea out.
Keith, I like the shot. Did you totally digitally mask the background, or was some of it red to begin with (like a red sheet of paper)?

I had an opportunity to take afternoon tea at The Balmoral in Edinburgh back in April. I didn't want to be cheeky and bring my camera in with me, but they were surprisingly accepting of us taking photos with our cellphones. I should have pushed myself to do so, it was BEAUTIFUL inside, and we had about 6 different blends of tea between the 4 of us. Earl Grey was the favorite at the table. I also like Darjeeling (though it was some more unique varietal that they served there).
Keith, I like the shot. Did you totally digitally mask the background, or was some of it red to begin with (like a red sheet of paper)?

I had an opportunity to take afternoon tea at The Balmoral in Edinburgh back in April. I didn't want to be cheeky and bring my camera in with me, but they were surprisingly accepting of us taking photos with our cellphones. I should have pushed myself to do so, it was BEAUTIFUL inside, and we had about 6 different blends of tea between the 4 of us. Earl Grey was the favorite at the table. I also like Darjeeling (though it was some more unique varietal that they served there).
Thanks Chris
It was one shot.. background was a red card on the wall and a blue card on my shooting table then a few touch ups in post, brightness saturation..
I’m with you with the Yorkshire tea, best tea out.
It sure is Iain.. I still have my original Yorkshire tea caddy.. it must be well over 30yrs old..

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