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Oct 22, 2021
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United States
SE Michigan
Was shooting a presentation at a car show for a friend yesterday. I had taken both candid and posed photos over the course of a few hours leading up to the presentation. Also took several as the presentation was made. Got right up to the end, the last and probably most important photo, and this old guy walks right into the frame. I don't normally do this kind of photography and honestly never even saw him until I started processing. This is the original RAW, as SOOC camera as possible:

photobomb 1.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 28.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/80 sec
  • ISO 1600

I tried several things to make him disappear, but there isn't enough wall/floor/background to do any cloning. I tried erasing everything and just making it black, which looked like hell. After several attempts I finally hit on the idea to look at the other photos and see if there was a shot with that part of the background visible. I got lucky! I processed the second image and cropped it, then placed it in a layer below the original. No, it's not perfect, but I think it turned out well enough that unless someone knows they'd never see it.

photobomb 2.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • E 17-28mm F2.8-2.8
  • 28.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/80 sec
  • ISO 1600

BTW, a 17-28 is the perfect lens for a car show, but it sucks for people. Should've taken a second lens.
You've done a great job with that. This is where Gen Fill is useful.
Looks like a very tidy job to me Tim!
You've done a great job with that. This is where Gen Fill is useful.
No idea what that is, and if it's in anything made by Adobe, I will never know. Nor am I keen on AI. Easier? Yeah. Fun? Nope. And I learned something by doing it myself.
Nice. You know he's mysteriously vanished now, right?
Nice. You know he's mysteriously vanished now, right?
What’s irritating is there was a second photographer there, that’s who he’s looking at in the photo. You’d think he’d turn around and leave the area, right? Nope. He showed up in several other shots.