Food What are you drinking? (2023)

That shirt does not say Trump. Just for clarity. :)

Which criminal you may or may not support means absolutely zero to me, I'm an Anarchist... 🙂

I think it's truly unbelievable that adults apparently vote to give strangers control over their lives. Even as a child it seemed super weird to me, and that ideology only seemed more and more ridiculous as I got older. You'll never ever see me participating in such stupidity. Literally voting for which criminal is your favourite, no different than arguing with neighbours as to who's bin is more attractive on bin night. Proper insanity...
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A) Virtual tastings are a sad state of affairs. 😷
B) Whatever you're drinking looks like pee. 🥴
That’s Ancoc. The non-chill filter kind of whisky. Some people think removing the soluble flock removes flavors, and for me, there’s something about a whisky that isn’t full of dye.
That’s Ancoc. The non-chill filter kind of whisky. Some people think removing the soluble flock removes flavors, and for me, there’s something about a whisky that isn’t full of dye.
Another reason to drink Bourbon. The only color comes from the barrel. Colorings and dyes are not allowed.
The shelf in Tescos today....
  • SM-G981B
  • 5.4 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/50 sec
  • ISO 80
The bottle of Calumet 8 year I posted is a very nice drink. Light, not a heavy or smokey flavor, maybe a little fruity, no oak until the glass is dry. Perfect for warm weather summer sipping. Got to talking with one of my bourbon collecting co-workers, and he has Calumet 14, 15, and 16 year bourbons. He recalls not caring much for the 16 year, preferring the 14year. He sent me home today with three tasting bottles to compare, and I'm taking him a bottle of the 8 year tomorrow. We're going to see if this is a case of the lesser bottle being the better one, as is the case more than one might think.
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The Aberlour Casg Anamh is a real sleeper too. It has this cloves note in it that just goes really well. 🥇
I’m sure our government taxes too much.

Can't believe you're saying that! We live in the FREE land of Ausjailia mate. If you are ever wondering if that is true or not just turn on the television programming and I'm sure they will remind you... ❤️
Something completely foreign …. And entirely palatable!
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max back dual camera 7.5mm f/2.2
  • 7.5 mm
  • ƒ/2.2
  • 1/14 sec
  • ISO 400
I enjoy the Amrut as well from India. Pretty impressive. This Paul John is lightly peated as well isn't it?
Yes, I think it was. Like I have said, I don’t keep them on the shelf and they don’t last long. If I took a photo, I thought it worth having again!

Which reminds me…
Significantly under-priced….. Cutty.

  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11 Pro back triple camera 4.25mm f/1.8
  • 4.3 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/25 sec
  • ISO 500
I bought a bottle of Benriach 12 yesterday, which I think is the best 12 that you can possibly buy. It's better than most 18's! This really nice bloke at a place I'm doing a fair bit of work for at the moment told me that he loves whisky and drinks Johnnie Walker. I told him that I can't allow him to throw his life away like that so I bought him the Benriach as I definitely wasn't giving him my back up bottle. We'll see what he thinks when I see him tomorrow. 🤠
Celebrations here tonight! This is the 51% Glenfiddich 1 litre bottle which I've been babying for a year as I thought I wouldn't find it again. I found a bottle and it got delivered today. Sensational Glenfiddich, probably my favourite from them!

View attachment 41323
Yes, I think it was. Like I have said, I don’t keep them on the shelf and they don’t last long. If I took a photo, I thought it worth having again!

Which reminds me…
Significantly under-priced….. Cutty.

View attachment 41320

Have you had a crack at the Irish brand Powers, Gaz?
Thanks for the explanation. It's odd how a store brand can get a bad reputation by association. It's probably being distilled at the same place as some of the brand name spirits.

When I went shopping yesterday the store was doing a tasting for an Irish Whiskey. I tasted it because it was free. :p I was pleasantly surprised. Really smooth and full. For $29 a bottle I should've snagged some. I can't recall the name but am going to call them today and ask.
While I was living in Dublin a while back it was explained to me that Irish whiskey was smoother than Scotch because it was double distilled, not single. Given I wasn't drinking either, I have no proof (not even 100 proof) of the truth of that, but the lady making the claim made it in such a lovely Irish accent that I am sure she was right.

Celebrations here tonight! This is the 51% Glenfiddich 1 litre bottle which I've been babying for a year as I thought I wouldn't find it again. I found a bottle and it got delivered today. Sensational Glenfiddich, probably my favourite from them!
I too feel a drink is needed to get through some of Jared's videos. Especially the reviews of wildlife lens when he goes to the zoo to photograph bald eagles when he drive the shorter distance to the wildlife refuge and gets some actual wildlife.
I too feel a drink is needed to get through some of Jared's videos. Especially the reviews of wildlife lens when he goes to the zoo to photograph bald eagles when he drive the shorter distance to the wildlife refuge and gets some actual wildlife.
I usuallly get right up to "Fro knows..." before I can't stand him.
I too feel a drink is needed to get through some of Jared's videos. Especially the reviews of wildlife lens when he goes to the zoo to photograph bald eagles when he drive the shorter distance to the wildlife refuge and gets some actual wildlife.

I just think he's funny. He did actually save me with the Sigma Art 24-70mm instead of buying the original 24-70mm GM. He didn't save me from buying the GMII though..! I think he really serves the audience which wants best value for money and don't want to get too technical.
I just think he's funny. He did actually save me with the Sigma Art 24-70mm instead of buying the original 24-70mm GM. He didn't save me from buying the GMII though..! I think he really serves the audience which wants best value for money and don't want to get too technical.
Ken Rockwell is a lot smarter than Fro, and you don't have to watch someone trying to be clever on a video.
I think he really serves the audience which wants best value for money and don't want to get too technical.
Think they all have their audience even if for some it is just their mom. I think with him I just got tired of his "if you're not doing it the exact way that I am than you are doing it wrong", his treatment of photography styles that he doesn't do as being dumb and a number of his jokes have the horse not just dead but more of just a bloody pulp that has mostly decomposed.
Ken Rockwell is a lot smarter than Fro, and you don't have to watch someone trying to be clever on a video.
I’m not drinking for the rest of the week! :)
Think they all have their audience even if for some it is just their mom. I think with him I just got tired of his "if you're not doing it the exact way that I am than you are doing it wrong", his treatment of photography styles that he doesn't do as being dumb and a number of his jokes have the horse not just dead but more of just a bloody pulp that has mostly decomposed.


I'm hearing ya mate, but no one is perfect, and no one is the say all end all either. I put some reviews on just because I want to see the product in it's glory and not really fussed about the ins and outs of it. That Jared review in question was the new Nikkon 180-600mm, so it's sort of halfway between interested in the product and having a bit of background noise while I'm cooking.

In all honesty, I feel like I've come into photography at an amazing time. Basically anything mid level and up is almost fool proof and reliably good now, so endlessly worrying about what this or that reviewer says about something is pretty pointless. I'll do my own testing when I get a new item just to see what improvements it has over my previous one, but that's about it.
Ken Rockwell is a lot smarter than Fro, and you don't have to watch someone trying to be clever on a video.

One thing I like about Ken is his shake test, I think it's more informative than Jared's wind tunnel one. I'm being serious too, seriously. I have actually gone to a Ken review for confirmation once or twice... 😄
For shear entertainment value I watch conspiracy guy.

I saw the fro review of the Nikon 180-600 lens accidentally but it was too loud, if you know what I mean, so I didn’t last through to the end.
For shear entertainment value I watch conspiracy guy.

I saw the fro review of the Nikon 180-600 lens accidentally but it was too loud, if you know what I mean, so I didn’t last through to the end.

Lol, no idea what you mean. We're obviously very different personalities. To me that conspiracy guy is lifeless and dull. I feel like shaking him till his heart starts beating again! I'll take loud, cheesey and weird over someone who seems like a methadone clinic patient any day!

I like Tony and Chelsea the most of all the reviewers. I like little Mads Peter Iversen and Simon D'entremont for photography talk.
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Gerald Undone has a fantastic style, he's a favorite. Unfortunately he's mostly video.

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