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News TTArtisan New AF 40mm F1.0 pancake Lens released!

Tis April 1st.... verily, thou hast fallen for ye olde pranke
Tis April 1st.... verily, thou hast fallen for ye olde pranke
I did. clicked the link and everything. I blame the cold medication for the brain fog this morning LOL
Tis April 1st.... verily, thou hast fallen for ye olde pranke
I know 'tis a prank, good Sir! I am in hope that thou and others of thine ilk would'st fall for ye olde prank!
Forsooth Sir, tis but a folly to fall for such shenanigans. A pox on thy sheena easton collection!
Wouldst'st thou has't me pollute mine own ears with the likes of Susan Boyle?
Wouldst'st thou has't me pollute mine own ears with the likes of Susan Boyle?
Hey nonny nonny lord, what a splendiferous idea.

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