Viewfinder or LCD?


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Mar 26, 2023
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I'll put this in beginner questions, because i still feel like im a beginner in the photographic world :D

When taking photos, do you use the viewfinder or the lcd? Or maybe a mix between them both? I started taking pictures on mirrorless, under a year ago, and i only use the LCD, but i see many people using the viewfinder. Is the viewfinder an old relic and use of it old habits from mirrorless? I can imagine one can get more stability putting the cam on the face and closer to the body, but other than that is there any benefits on todays cameras?

Viewfinder 99.5% of the time. Screen if I'm holding the camera over my head or down low. I shoot a lot in bright sunlight and refuse to fight with it, plus I don't see how anyone could pan and track a fast object accurately while holding the camera steady without an anchor point. I suppose like anything else the right amount of practice would get results.

Most people don't consider use-case for others, they typically think about their own experiences. That's normal human nature, but there are a lot of different scenarios where one may be better than the other. Both have value depending on the need.
I virtually never use the LCD for photos or video when hand held. I do use it when mounted on a tripod depending how bright the light is and if I can actually see it. Virtually all the video I do at the moment is on a tripod and I tend to use a mix of both. I am shooting in log so that makes it even harder to see in bright light on the LCD. I think where the LCD comes into it's own is in low light (sunsets or sunrises) and at night when the camera is on a tripod.
I use the rear screen when shooting down low (waist height or lower).

Apart from that, I use the EVF. Like others, I even review images in the EVF because the EVF is 9Mdot, while the rear screen is 2Mdot, plus the EVF doesn't get washed out in the sun.
I use the rear screen when shooting down low (waist height or lower).

I'm really, really really an EVF man. But, to be honest, I might use the screen even at chest height!

And I review on the screen. Unless I'm looking for colour temperature, in which case I have to exclude ambient light.