First Sony A6700 rumored specs


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Oct 22, 2021
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SE Michigan
Here you go @FowlersFreeTime!

I'm disappointed it's not in a full-sized body, but that front dial is a huge improvement. Makes me think the A7cII will have one.

TRUSTED sources told us the new High End camera will start shipping out in August. Announcement will obviously happen before that.

TWO NEW sources shared following info on this camera:

  • Name: a6700
  • Sensor: 26mp (same FX30 sensor).
  • IBIS: 7 stops
  • Ai processor (same Sony ZV-E1 processor)
  • 4k120 (1.19 crop)
  • The body will be a new design. It will still have the evf on the left, but it will have a scroll wheel on the front under the shutter button. The grip is redesigned and more ergonomic. The body will be about 3mm deeper and 4mm taller.
  • Announcement date: beginning of July.
I am yet not 100% sure if those specs are correct, hope trusted sources will give me their feedback after reading this post. But to me those specs sound very reasonable and I explain you in my latest video why these might be correct:

My spidey senses were tingling, I knew there would be an a6700 thread coming soon :ROFLMAO:

The design sounds like something I am very much good with:
  • I like the viewfinder on the left of the body since I am right-eye dominant
  • For portability, the size is just right for me if its marginally larger than the a6400.
  • A thicker grip to accommodate a bigger battery is appreciated.
  • Half a centimeter taller means my little finger wont slide off as much.
  • More importantly YES I get my scroll wheel!
  • It comes with IBIS! I've never had a camera with that, woohoo!

I've already got about $200 in Amazon giftcards set aside for this and the cash savings have begun. The macro lens and 70-350mm lens I wanted can wait.
If this is true, I wonder if the IBIS 7 stops and front wheel will also appear in the rumoured A7CII. Also it may seem weird to announce them together, as they are not that different... but if they don't announce the A7CII, it may get even weirder as the "inferior" 6700 will be better that the original A7C (except for the APSC format).

I'm very happy with my A7C but certainly a front wheel would be a very much welcome feature.
If this is true, I wonder if the IBIS 7 stops and front wheel will also appear in the rumoured A7CII. Also it may seem weird to announce them together, as they are not that different... but if they don't announce the A7CII, it may get even weirder as the "inferior" 6700 will be better that the original A7C (except for the APSC format).

I'm very happy with my A7C but certainly a front wheel would be a very much welcome feature.
Even with a new sensor, I don't think an a6700 would be superior to an A7C, just different. People often cite the fact that APSC megapixels and FullFrame Megapixels are not the same, since the pixels are larger on a full frame sensor. No, I suspect the A7C-II will have A7IV sensor, so it will maintain its market segmentation above the APSC lineup. I think that if the A7C-II doesn't adopt the same rumored ergonomic changes though, it may be seen as outdated in comparison.

The bump in size for the a6700 (increased in comparison to a6400 or even a6600) will be enough to accommodate larger battery (like the a6600), the front scroll wheel, and hopefully an improvement over a6600 IBIS (so 7-stops versus 5-stops). What I doubt is going to make it into the a6700 is a dual-card slot. I could be wrong, but if they keep the battery and card slot configuration of the older a6xxx bodies, there simply won't be space for 2 sd cards.
Even with a new sensor, I don't think an a6700 would be superior to an A7C,
I'm going to bet that the new sensor/processor and whatever computational photography they'll add to the 6700 will smoke the existing A7C. Probably not the A7Cii, but the current one? :unsure: It will probably give several of the older FF models a run for their money. All one needs to do it look at Fuji.
I'm going to bet that the new sensor/processor and whatever computational photography they'll add to the 6700 will smoke the existing A7C. Probably not the A7Cii, but the current one? :unsure: It will probably give several of the older FF models a run for their money. All one needs to do it look at Fuji.

I'm starting to feel bad for my A7C but there will always be a better camera in the way, so I shouldn't think too much about it. You've got to start somewhere, as they say. And I couldn't be happier about jumping to FF with the A7C.

Lucky future buyers of the 6700 and the possible A7CII though. :LOL:
I'm starting to feel bad for my A7C but there will always be a better camera in the way, so I shouldn't think too much about it. You've got to start somewhere, as they say. And I couldn't be happier about jumping to FF with the A7C.
Exactly, and that's the trick. Learn to use what you have, don't throw more money at it to get results. Do a search for @BryLogan and go back to his early posts with amazing shots from his Maxxum 7D. Every single camera out there is capable, it's up to the user.

That's not to say a new piece of gear won't make it easier for this or that, or give you more leeway, or some other advantage over an old one.

And of course when it comes to GAS, all bets are off! Sometimes you just WANT one!
I'm starting to feel bad for my A7C but there will always be a better camera in the way, so I shouldn't think too much about it. You've got to start somewhere, as they say. And I couldn't be happier about jumping to FF with the A7C.

Lucky future buyers of the 6700 and the possible A7CII though. :LOL:

One thing is for absolute sure, if you can't create nice images with an A7C then you are doing something REALLY wrong! Lucky for you mate, you are doing that lovely camera justice. ✅
That's not to say a new piece of gear won't make it easier for this or that, or give you more leeway, or some other advantage over an old one.

And of course when it comes to GAS, all bets are off! Sometimes you just WANT one!

A very big +1... 😄
Today I read a rumour that the A7CII sensor might not be of 33MP as previously thought, but probably a new sensor of 24 or 26MP... maybe the same as the 6700? Actually, could 6700 and A7CII be the same camera, pending of an official name? 🤔
Today I read a rumour that the A7CII sensor might not be of 33MP as previously thought, but probably a new sensor of 24 or 26MP... maybe the same as the 6700? Actually, could 6700 and A7CII be the same camera, pending of an official name? 🤔
nah. no way.

The a6700 will be the new APSC "top of the line" featuring the sensor from the FX-30.

The A7C-II, like its predecessor, will be full frame. If it follows the same pattern as the previous A7C, it will have the sensor from the A7IV. This is Sony's way of getting the most "bang for the buck" out of sensors: use what is available and update camera bodies to sell more units.

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