ok guys who thinks they understand or considered what the Dynamic range optimizer does in Sony cameras


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Oct 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
Ok so as title who understands or has considered what the dynamic range optimizer does in a Sony camera and does it affect your images and image noise, colour, brightness that depends a lot on how you use your camera, and to some extent what form you import images from your camera /card.
What the dro does depends on how you shoot images jpeg or raw , or raw with full manual, so simple a chat about dro and have you even thought about it or is just another box in the menu you assume as no effect on your images?
My understanding is that it has no effect on a RAW file, it's part of the processing for a jpeg. But, Sony doesn't note that in the manual that I can find so that info could be wrong. They do note that the image may be noisy if you set it too high. I think I messed with it once a while back, but keep it turned off.
My understanding is that it has no effect on a RAW file, it's part of the processing for a jpeg. But, Sony doesn't note that in the manual that I can find so that info could be wrong. They do note that the image may be noisy if you set it too high. I think I messed with it once a while back, but keep it turned off.
It seems that it only has no effect shooting raw and full manual only, think off is good for raw shooters
I like to personally be in full control of the destruction of my images. I turn any type of in camera processing help off, although I'm pretty certain that this DRO only effects JPEG...
Doesn't seem to be very popular. I wonder if we could save $100 per camera if Sony dropped this and train recognition?
Doesn't seem to be very popular. I wonder if we could save $100 per camera if Sony dropped this and train recognition?
I think most have no clue as with most of the camera menu what it does , where as if a train runs you down they tend to remember what it looks like going forward
To address the OP - I have complete confidence that I do not know what DRO does, and my only interaction with it is to turn it off on each new camera :cool: I think I also turn off LENR (I think that is its name.
I did say “charge” not “refund”…
I dont recall any reference to refund, cameras are like cars they have loads of tech included you did not know you ever needed or wanted until they decided you needed it and charged you for it anyway , where as dro if you shoot jpeg might if understood by shooters of jpeg influence an opinion as to should it be on or off in the menu ;)
I dont recall any reference to refund, cameras are like cars they have loads of tech included you did not know you ever needed or wanted until they decided you needed it and charged you for it anyway , where as dro if you shoot jpeg might if understood by shooters of jpeg influence an opinion as to should it be on or off in the menu ;)

Brownie speculated on paying $100 dollars less for a camera without certain features.

I joked that Sony might offer the option of the removal of those features, but would charge you extra for that option. I chose to nominate the same amount of money as a recent offering they made (the chargeable feature to add lines in the viewfinder?) to try to make it more obvious.

You seemed to doubt that Sony would be reluctant to give up the money (which sounded like you did not understand my joke), so I explained that I was suggesting they would charge more, not give money back.

Now does it make sense?
Thanks Tony for breaking it down into manageable bits for me, but since lines were never part of the above chat it seems I need to read between the lines sort of like trying to have a chat with the wife , can be difficult at times anyway all good, and I guess no one is any the wiser as to if they understand the op (y)
Fairly sure they can’t…
When they upgrade to the new, latest body, they just might get those feint almost subconscious feelings when the see a train. Especially if it is hurtling towards them. Question is, can they change the colour of the box around it?

Anyway, DRO... O'es the DR. But it think it optimises it in the shadows rather than helping to prevent blown-out highlights. I leave it on auto. Because David Busch said something to the effect of, "Hey, whatever, just leave it on auto; it's not affecting your raw files anyway."
When they upgrade to the new, latest body, they just might get those feint almost subconscious feelings when the see a train. Especially if it is hurtling towards them. Question is, can they change the colour of the box around it?

Anyway, DRO... O'es the DR. But it think it optimises it in the shadows rather than helping to prevent blown-out highlights. I leave it on auto. Because David Busch said something to the effect of, "Hey, whatever, just leave it on auto; it's not affecting your raw files anyway."
What I meant was “if they have been run down by a train, I reckon their chance of remembering anything are zero” - people run over by trains tend to be unresponsive…
Never used the DRO setting; I have it turned off since I shoot only in RAW.

New in Marketplace
