Sony has released new firmware updates for 8 cameras including the a99 II which has not seen a firmware update since its release back in September 2016.

It’s interesting that so many cameras have had new firmware updates issued and Sony is providing no further details regarding the updates other than the following: “Improves the overall stability of the camera”.
You can download the new updates from Sony here:
Sony a9
Sony a7R III
Sony a7 III
Sony a7R II
Sony a7 II
Sony a7S II
Sony a6500
Sony a99 II
Hi, I have a Sony a99ii and was excited/surprised/intrigued when I saw that there were firmware updates for some Sony cameras including the a99ii. I did go to their site and, unfortunately, it wasn’t actually a firmware update for the a99ii (the latest version is still the 1.01 from 2019) but some sort of “imaging edge” software update which seems to be software one can use to process/edit photos. Oh well.
Yes the latest update for the a9II was ver. 1.01 back in 2019 I’m afraid and it didn’t add any new features. Sadly the A-mount cameras are unlikely to see any new firmware updates now unless they are to address bugs.
I Have Sony A99II but I have regret very much I have with the 40-700SSMG2 lens I can shot sharp image with this gear I have sent back but did not find anything any issue . Its up to date the firmware for the camera. I do not know what can i do really useless this gear .