With its 61 MP sensor the Sony a7R V has the potential to create some pretty big file sizes for your computer to process.
But exactly how big are the files from the a7R V?
Well this depends on the file type that you are shooing in and the amount of detail in the scene being shot. ISO can also impact file size.
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Image 1
A typical landscape scene will often include a lot of lines and detail which pushes the a7R V closer to its maximum file size. If more sky is included then you’ll see smaller sizes.

In the below table you’ll find the file size of the above image in each file type supported by the a7RV.
File Type | Size (MB) |
Uncompressed RAW | 133.7 |
Compressed RAW | 72.5 |
Lossless Compressed RAW L | 83.1 |
Lossless Compressed RAW M | 51.9 |
Lossless Compressed RAW S | 40.7 |
JPEG Extra Fine | 48.2 |
HEIF 4:2:2 Extra Fine | 25.7 |
HEIF 4:2:0 Extra Fine | 19.8 |
Image 2
This scene includes more sky and cloud which is easier to compress due to the similar colors and limited detail, this will result in smaller file sizes for the types which compress the most.

File Type | Size (MB) |
Uncompressed RAW | 128.4 |
Compressed RAW | 67 |
Lossless Compressed RAW L | 74.3 |
Lossless Compressed RAW M | 45.7 |
Lossless Compressed RAW S | 36.2 |
JPEG Extra Fine | 38.8 |
HEIF 4:2:2 Extra Fine | 16.8 |
HEIF 4:2:0 Extra Fine | 13.7 |
Image 3
I’ve eliminated all of the sky from this shot, so there are more details which results in larger file sizes.

File Type | Size (MB) |
Uncompressed RAW | 134.3 |
Compressed RAW | 72.7 |
Lossless Compressed RAW L | 82.3 |
Lossless Compressed RAW M | 48.6 |
Lossless Compressed RAW S | 41 |
JPEG Extra Fine | 51.6 |
HEIF 4:2:2 Extra Fine | 26.7 |
HEIF 4:2:0 Extra Fine | 22.6 |
Image 4
If you like to shoot blue skies (with a little cloud creeping in) then you’ll see much smaller file sizes depending on the file type you choose.

File Type | Size (MB) |
Uncompressed RAW | 124.9 |
Compressed RAW | 63.7 |
Lossless Compressed RAW L | 67.9 |
Lossless Compressed RAW M | 40.5 |
Lossless Compressed RAW S | 32 |
JPEG Extra Fine | 35 |
HEIF 4:2:2 Extra Fine | 12.4 |
HEIF 4:2:0 Extra Fine | 9.5 |
If you choose to shoot in uncompressed RAW then it really doesn’t matter what you are shooting, the image size is going to be around 125-135 MB. It varies a little due to a small embedded JPEG image that is used for previews.
If you shoot in a file type that compresses then you will see much smaller file sizes, but this size will vary based on the scene being shot.
The maximum uncompressed RAW file size I’ve seen out of the a7RV so far is 134.3MB, but you may see slightly larger than this.
If you are shooting with the a7RV please let me know the maximum file size you’ve seen in the comments below.
I’m shooting in Raw but my file sizes are only around 50mb. What am I doing wrong?
Also what is the exact folder name on sony memory cards to find the Raw files as i can’t think Raw files are that small?
Hey Will. The file will all be in the DCIM Folder and then you’ll find another folder named 100MSDCF or 101MSDF unless you have renamed these. 50MB is very small if you are shooting uncompressed RAW. What’s the resolution showing as in your photo editor? I would check that you are not shooting in APS-C Mode as this will reduce the resolution and file size: MENU → (Camera Settings1) → [APS-C/Super 35mm] → desired setting. I’d recommend manually switching it to OFF instead of Auto which is the default. I had mine on Auto and for some reason it decided to shoot in APS-C Mode with a full-frame lens. Oddly I checked this recently despite knowing I had turned it off and it was not set to On. So I’m not sure if I’m losing my marbles or if there’s a bit of a glitch here. I’ll definitely be checking this each time I shoot now.
don’t see the file size in APS-C mode
Sorry I didn’t include APS-C file size. For an uncompressed RAW image you’ll be looking at around 50-60MB. For compressed around 30-40MB.